About Erol
Erol Delos Santos, MS
Born in the Philippines, Erol Delos Santos was baptized in the Roman Catholic faith. As his spiritual beliefs developed, he has learned to incorporate spiritual practices from many faith traditions and weave them into his own personal theology. Erol now identifies as a Unitarian Universalist, someone who both sees the value of every enduring faith tradition, as well as living a fully authentic spiritual life.
Erol is an Aspirant with the UUA and continues to take steps toward Ministerial Fellowship.
Erol has completed a CPE unit in healthcare chaplaincy with over 300 logged clinical hours at Saint Barnabas Medical Center. He now serves as a Chaplain in Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital. He also received his Masters of Science in Clinical Trials Sciences with a concentration on Regulatory Affairs from Rutgers University.
Erol is currently enrolled in a Masters of Divinity Program at Union Theological Seminary with a major in Ministerial Leadership and a focus on Chaplaincy.
Appointments: ​
Intern Minister at The Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock
Historian for the Student Senate at Union Theological Seminary
Previous Appointments:
Communications Coordinator for the Community Church of New York UU
Academic Integrity Board- Rutgers
Chaplain Consultant Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital
Student Leadership Council- Rutgers
Adjunct Professor- Rutgers